Live Event Games Day: Old Vlad vs the New VLAD



The Masked Inquisitor looked warily at the blond haired, vaguely handsome man with piercing blue eyes and a harelip. He knew the reputation of the man who sat before him so calmly in this strange office in an even stranger cloning facility that dated back before this planet got its official colonial charter from the government of Earth.
The Inquisitor noted the signs labeling it a Mining Brethren production facility for future use by Republic Iron LLC. All trespassers would be shot and eradicated according to the signs the facility had during its initial production. The Inquisitor wondered how the Earth Authority didn’t realize the Iron Republic was going to turn on its government like a corporate viper with this lack of concern for citizens welfare.
Just professional courtesy after all, would dictate something was rumbling up those thousands of years ago. But back to the present and the facility’s current owner.
The average blue eyed man who stood across from him. A simple blue EEF uniform of the EEF Starforce. The Patch on the shoulder labelled him as Variable Light Assault Division. One side of his belt had a ceremonial pistol (fully functional as all EEF officers once did) and the other a sword of office.
The Old Vlad sighed, and said, “You see this uniform. It once meant something. Something that represented protecting all Earther life, and Earther interests on this planet and every planet. Over two thousand years ago when Earth fell, the I.R. killed every VLAD cell they could find. You see we were trained back on Earth to set up guerrilla units, and in counter-insurgency operations. We gave up our names, took a number. Accepted a life of cloned work to defend the life of the Colony General and all Legal Government in service to cause of Human life. No families, and only a few friends within the Colony General’s staff.
For us Colony General Glypson was the outsider.
The crew, under Interplanetary Gunship Captain Riley P. McMurphy had served with Glypson’s current Commissar, back when he had simply been Colonel Enric Von Glohammer, one of the heroes of the Silent Wars. As if anything was simple in those days. My first VLAD assignment, and the colony is a complete fake from its idilic reports. It’s got ravenous local flora and fauna. Oh and a radiation that didn’t get explained fully in the initial reports. They really slipped on that.
It was sad, now that look back on it. Glypson decided the radiation should be suppressed first, and I agreed with him. We both quickly realized that a place like this could make something amazing, but only if an elite, a few strong and willing could use this radiation.
We were going to show the Earth Authority, but we didn’t expect the Nightmares. We had to clamp down. Things went south quickly. Glomhammer and Glypson began to butt heads on how to handle things, and the K’ias played us all. Then again you are an Inquisitor, and you understand what I mean when I talk about the K’ias called Domino. And all the horror that one wrought.
Then there was the time after Glypson died, the centuries in the shadows serving the Commissar, hiding Glypson’s meltdown and eventual end. Hiding from Domino as well, prepping agents always, but always in the shadows.
I understand the shadows better than you Inquisitors sometimes, but hear me out.
My VLAD agents were very skilled in the Leyas, very skilled in various combat techniques and were the few who were really in the know. And when the Tyrant fell and the IR declared this place a penal colony, only VLAD agents and the EEF high command knew.
I did everything in my power to prepare the Colonies for a real battle against the IR and their freedom.
I prepared armies of vampyrs who could disable power armor with their hunger. I had cloners like Lurlock design special weapons, potions, and devices for me and field test them on our enemies in the northern kingdoms and elsewhere. Yes I traded technology to keep our colonies safe, and aided the Kasanthians in taking out one Northern Kingdom after another. I even helped the Tal Hanon Technomagi develop their technomancy and create the Legion Hivemind. I knew it could do exactly what the Unity used it for, the utter overwhelming of the Iron Republic’s oppression on world after world.
I did that.
And I convinced General Tharr that Humans had a place in this bright new future. That we were not simply the madmen your church keeps pumping out. Don’t get me wrong, the knights, they serve their purpose. They are the sword, when the aliens don’t accept a little diplomacy in the form of the glove.”
The Masked Inquisitor simply said slightly sarcastically, “I am so happy we serve a purpose in your grand design.”
Without missing a beat, or noticing the sarcasm, the Old Vlad said, “And it was a grand design until those three terrorists shut me down and set up their own VLAD. They stopped me from killing a devilish vampire who has gone power mad with his forced integration of alien species into the colonies.
But I have their number. They use such a wide array of weaponized aliens that I will take advantage of it. I have already gathered the Infamous OtO and use him regularly to make fools of the new VLAD agency. Don’t get me wrong they deployed him first.
I solely try and use their tools against them these days. That is why your payment, in the form of Lurtor’s DNA sample and memory scans will be such a blessing.”
“Will you send out armies of this green fur too?” asked the Masked Inquisitor blandly.
“No I plan on using him like a scalpel not like the wrecking ball that OtO is,” said the Old Vlad slowly, “Once I send in an OtO to wreak things, to blow up and destroy these enemies of humanity, I will send in a Lurtor to shoot that OtO in the face. Publicly openly. They were once team-mates, and they gained a hatred more deep than any I could create in my lab.
Let the colonial people see that and associate it with the V.L.A.D. agents who work as a secret police for the Colony General. Working outside the mandate of the EEF in Colonial territory and destroying the cities they serve.
Let that be their legacy, until I can regain control of my organization.”

“You have built quite a dark mirror of that organization down here in the Goblin Lands haven’t you,” agreed the Masked Inquisitor snidely.
The Old Vlad rose up quickly, “When the trio that now leads the VLAD agency took over they sent Strangulari Assassins to every one of my Cells. They killed so many of my friends, my wards, my subordinates that I would rather not discuss it. I never expected those terrorists to deploy that level of viciousness.”
“I hear you are employing the leader of the Mag Der’al,” asked the Masked Inquisitor.
“It is true, Alchemist Onderal is in my employ and under my protection for the moment,” said the Old Vlad, “He has opened the way to a dimension where I will be able to steal from the technologies of the K’ias and the Nightmare Lords without them even being able to stop me. A dimension where pacifists from those species escaped with all their wealth and knowledge and have been hiding ever since their ancient wars. And now they will all be mine.”
“You definitely think big,” said the Masked Inquisitor, “I hope it does not consume you. Or threaten this place. I have much work to accomplish. If your history lesson is over for this visit, then I will take my payment and go.”
“The equipment and scans you requested have been delivered as promised,” said the Old Vlad, “Mark my words, Shinefox Shrellfox, McMurphy’s failed clone, and Goliath Captain Terrance Terranovsky will be facing their own Strangulari’s garrotes if I have my way.”


Part 1: Does VLAD set your Moral Compass?
Te Te looked around at the wreaked and dilapidated Temple of Falos on the Prison Dimension they had codenamed SteamGate. McMurphy and the team had arrived here trying to save the Heirs of S’vana and Uth, Terror and Celyse, who had been transported here by an alchemical device at an enemy base on Refuge.
The hunt had gone from bad to worse, first their diplomat Duncan Stewart had taken down a fleet of Steam-driven Airships. Then they had witnessed a temporal criminal named Oscar unleash a temporal weapon on a Nightmare Lord orator, and fill the cityscape with more Nightmare Lords pulled from across time.
Te Te looked over to see McMurphy and a Kasanthian former VLAD agent named Ryuk interviewing the lord of this temple, learning he was a mad Falosini Cero’opis, Son of Ceroj the Red, still fighting a war that is long over against the inhabitants of this hidden dimension.
Nightmare Lords and K’ias being pacifists, who would have thunk it. He saw the little robotic time criminal running towards them looking like so little more than a garbage can with legs and arms. It slid to a stop in front of McMurphy and fired the same weapon that filled the landscape with Nightmare Lords at the scientist and hydraulic knight.
McMurphy looked down in surprise to see T.J. the bouncing bastard agent and erstwhile Annihilator. T.J. had been on Refuge in his high security crash pad. Since the little explosive expert could make things disappear from reality permanently with just his mind he was often kept to himself, for left to hang out with his pet dragon. (one of the few creatures who understood his restraint in the face of such destructive potential).
T.J. looked up at the forty Nightmare Lords that charged their position.
Unbeknownst to him, they were after the time criminal Oscar and his weapon not them. But T.J. understood how dangerous the Nightmare Lords could be. He also knew certain items entrusted to him in their hands could end realities enmass. He looked to his commanding officers and said, “McMurphy what is going on?”
McMurphy really didn’t know how to encapsulate it in a moment what they were dealing with. And they frankly didn’t know what the weapon had done, or why it had brought T.J. He just stared at T.J.
Te Te tried to explain something anything but his longterm tramatic brain injury from military experiemnets carried on by the Old Vlad’s scientists prevented him from articulating anything. And a nearby building exploded as a Nightmare Lord burst through the abandoned warehouse to get at the tie criminal quicker.
But to T.J. it looked like the monster was attacking. One of his eyes was replaced by a crystal eye that could see the timelines of his enemies. A further protection to make sure he would know those who would try and kill him, and those he had to save at all costs. But these beings torn from their original timelines were blank to this eye, and this further terrified the young soldier. He looked again to Te Te and McMurphy for guidance, and none forthcoming he stopped time.
He attached an annihilation bomb to each, focusing on the places where Nightmare Lords kept their animating force. And with a bomb on each of the giant beings that prepared to charge them, T.J. returned to McMurphy’s side. He was devoted to protecting his team leaders, they were his friends and his mentors in their own way.
He restarted time and pressed his universal detonator. Each of the bombs activated as one, and half the city was removed from reality along with the Nightmare Lords.
McMurphy and Te Te knew this dimension was beyond their jurisdiction, and one of their most loyal agents had just devastated it. Killed at least forty living sentient aliens of aristocratic status here, with a questionable justification of it at best.
Looking at those now in mourning across the city, they both gulped in unison.


Part 2: We Made Dark Deals with Ourselves
Shinefox Shrellfox had gotten word of the two EEF Generals, both high ranked within their species, going missing yesterday. He had helped organize the rescue mission which also disappeared without contact.
Now he was getting word that there was a hidden prison dimension they had just discovered. One that like Les’tas’tral dated back to the ancient K’ias Wars, but unlike that prison dimension, this one was filled with kindly beings who fled the wars.
An interesting proposition if it hadn’t already turned into a political quagmire of unfathomable proportions. The VLAD Agency had failed to protect the two most important diplomats on one of their own VLAD missions.
Now he was in the deserts of the Goblin Lands to the south, offering an amnesty and recognition of sovereign rule papers on behalf of Colony General Malthus to the undead warlord Krodnok whose followers were telling everyone he was a god.
Then again that’s why the papers had been written up. Krodnok did have enough power to pull the agents and the Generals back safely to Refuge. In the desert around them, Krodnok’s followers had set up tents to worship their master and direct their power into him.
It gave the four armed being enough power to reach into a different part of the reality with each hand, and pull them all from the hidden dimension.
The VLAD squad, Ryuk, and General Terror and General Celyse found themselves safely in the desert of the southlands of Refuge. Shinefox greeted them, and thanked Krodnok for his help.
Krodnok said, “I appreciate your thanks, but if your agency and your army respects my lands and my followers rights to live their own way, I will consider that a greater thanks.”
Shinefox would have never made a deal like that, but Colony General Malthus owed Terror and Celyse his life and his career. A year before Terror and Celyse’s children had been kidnapped by the Old Vlad and sold into slavery to General Tharr setting into motion a heartbreak the couple was only just recovering from. Malthus had deployed his special forces back then, and had failed to rescue the children. Now he would stop at nothing to save his dear friends. Even if that meant leaving a bunch of religious nuts to themselves.
Shinefox signaled to the CG that the mission was a success. Krodnok flew off to rejoin his followers leaving the VLAD Trio alone with their agents, current and former.
Many were surprised to see that Agent W was among the people that Krodnok had pulled from the SteamGate. Both Te and McMurphy wondered why their friend had not revealed himself when they were all trapped in that Temple of Falos.
Agent W was known to be a former Strangulari assassin by his friends in the spy agency, so it was surprising to see the operative was dressed in their style carrying their signature garrotes.
McMurphy looked to Shinefox, “So…what was W doing on the mission?”
“He was doing observations. The Strangulari have been considering us getting too corrupt after the latest set of Warcrimes our agents have done,” replied Shinefox, adjusting his straw hat in the desert sun.
Te Te said, “Crimes?”
Agent W said, “Crimes, I have witnessed personally include destruction of public property, destruction of private property, manslaughter of allied soldiers, weapons testing in civilian areas, and empowering dangerous criminals to commit even greater crimes. And that is only what I have personally witnessed.”
And thus began a legendary interrogation of the Trio that led VLAD, with their agents Lurtor, Weston, T.J. and Brooke all standing in their defense.
They also had at their side, though not entirely in their defense, other irregulars that the VLAD trinity had tapped over the years to varying levels of success. They included a former slave of the Sea Kings, a Kasanthian Leftenant, an Ex-Church of One Red Bishop, and an intergalactic man of leisure.
W interrogated each of these people for all to see. And their crimes were made public, crimes that included the accidental deaths of many, many innocents. But each stood firm in turn that what the VLAD spy agency had done in the past three years were good works, works that literally averted disaster time and time again.
Perhaps Agent Brooke was most eloquent in her defense as she reminded W of how the VLAD agency had brought together the teams that had saved every colony. How if not for the actions of the VLAD Trinity and their valiant agents, the colonies might have been conquered by the Legion of Ceroxis, the Ancient Evil Xephon, the Unity, the E-strain, the Kasanthians, and a hundred other would be conquerers.
The Ex-Church of One Red Bishop sparred with W over matters of faith. He asserted that only God should be the judge of man, not other men. But W had been a Strangulari and had failed in their teachings only to emerge better and more profoundly understanding his faith. And his faith based itself on the necessity for people to stand in judgement of those among them who would prey on the community.
But in the end it was W’s love and friendship for Te Te, McMurphy and Shinefox that made him hold his hand. This love and friendship made W ignore the tenants of the Strangulari faith and grant VLAD and its new agents time to learn, time to be better at protecting their citizens.
After the hours of interrogation, he finally tossed the Zela garrotes at the feet of the trio, letting them know it was their first, final, and only warning.
Of course in typical Ryuk fashion, Leftenant Ryuk leaned down to try and steal the prized and incredibly rare garrotes. This earned him an immediate and harsh rebuke from the VLAD leaders. They passed the Kasanthian back over to EEF interrogators for further interrogation after that attempt.
During the AAV ride back to the colonies the trio sat in silence. All mulling over how to deal with the rampages caused during previous VLAD missions. How to prevent themselves from empowering another Olgog the Olgog, or Manotaurus, or Dark Sage Bibs while still growing the ranks of VLAD agents and operatives. It would be a hard struggle for the good hearted trio.
But their AAV had left, and a few people still waited out on the sand. They were nondescript Earthers while the interrogations had taken place, but now they dropped their cloaks. They revealed themselves to be Lord Roan’s Phantoms, automatons made of silk and steel, brass and sand, driven by an artificed engine, and a fanatical devotion to their creator.
Lord Roan had allied with VLAD trinity at various times, most famously in Dumbar during the operation to break the 99s Syndicate. He often sent his Phantoms to aid VLAD agents in the field, but his prime lieutenant Windwraith had seen the lands of SteamGate. He knew their airships and Nightmare Lord and K’ias technology could destroy much of Refuge if allowed to exist.
Just as the Strangulari had decided to hold their hands and show the VLAD agency mercy, the Phantoms withdrew their support from the New VLAD. Empowering Annihilators and punishing their agents who killed Nightmare Lords didn’t make any sense to the Phantoms who had been trained from construction to destroy threats of that magnitude.
Lord Roan’s Phantoms and Specters moved out among the populace of the Colonies, gathering data on VLAD and its staff. Soon they would be ready. And soon they would strike.


The far future. Gu’ah, TemporalMax…A few days ago
The old man still had his whispy blond hair, cold blue eyes, and his harelip. Years of cosmetic surgery made him utterly unrecognizable. But he still remembered how hard it had been growing up with his birth defect, and he never quite removed it no matter how else he altered himself. It was how he knew, no matter whose eyes he stared out from, it was him.
“So my dearies that is the story of how the lands beyond the SteamGate were discovered by the Refugers. That is what set this whole set of events in motion. You see in the SteamGate they discovered a little trashcan of a robot, and that robot had a weapon. And that weapon…it cracked the timeline when it was fired inside that hidden dimension. And it let all sorts of nastiness through. And then the VLAD Phantom War began. And as Good killed Good, the Warmonger prepared his finest unwitting servant for one last mission.
And that was me, all those years I never knew I was serving the Wamonger. I thought him a myth, a straw man, and did as I wanted. It wasn’t until I met the Usurper that I learned the truth. But by then, I was already too far gone. I made deals with the Yyan Empire. And where they struck, the Warmonger Cult followed.”
One of the younger prisoners stepped forward and said, “Thanks for the story old man. Sounds like you were once a mover and a shaker. You mentioned the Usurper. Who is that?”
The Old Vlad blinked a few times before focusing his eyes on the young boy, little more than 18 years of age. Was he a child of one of the prisoners here? He seemed too young to be a time criminal.
“Who are you?” asked the Old Vlad, “Information has a price you know.”
“I just wanted to know more,” said the young man, offering a pack of synthazong sticks as payment.
The Old Vlad lifted one of the synthazong sticks and pressed it to his wrist, feeling the transdermal drug activate. He sighed with pleasure, and took the pack, putting it in his back pocket.
“The Usurper was a demon. He was the one who turned the K’ias Emperor. He was my primary contact with a paramilitary group that called itself Unit 111. He taught me a ritual to summon him if you can get me some megashine to go with the synthazong, “ said the Old Vlad getting up to leave the common area and return to his minimum security cell. The entire floor were time criminals who couldn’t travel through Time on their own, and as a result were a minimal flight risk.

The young man, reached into his pants and pulled out two flasks and said, “This enough, Old man. I want the ritual.”
The Old Vlad actually smiled. And it was a creepy, creepy sight. He walked forward slowly with a bit of a limp. He slowly put each flask into a pocket. Then he saluted the young man saying, “You have to cut your finger and call out to him. And so he will appear.”
They both noticed a menacing man who stank of serial killer who just kept staring psychotically at them. He seemed to be getting more and more pissed off as their conversation progressed.
The Old VLAD walked away enjoying his new stash.
The young prisoner pulled out a shiv, cut his finger and said, “Usurper come to me.”
The menacing man strode over and grabbed the young man by the collar and lifted him up. He whispered, “What the fuck is your name, flesh-bag.”
“I am Maximillian Horrorshow, and I have an offer I don’t think you will want to refuse,” said the young man, completely ignoring his dangerous predicament, “In exchange for my soul, and the soul of anyone I kill in your thrall, I get a get out of jail free card and an endless life until I have killed 666 innocent victims. How does that sound?”
“Sounds like you grew up on bad horror movies, kid,” said the Usurper dropping Maximillian none too gently, “The Old Vlad just played you like a fool. I’ve been trapped here a long, long time. But time and me have a deal, as long as I kill as many Da’uhnb as I can I get my fleshbag’s hands on. I corrupted the K’ias emperor. I corrupted the bravest Balancers. I corrupted the Krato Chaithos, and trained the Krato Generals of Warmonger. I’ve even corrupted an “incorruptible” Hive Queen.
What the hell do I need a snot nosed kid for?”
“This snot nosed kid smuggled in the parts to build a time shredder,” said Maximillian, “And enough Reclamator crystals from the Djinni on level 12 to hold a host of escape realities.”
“What about the Guards…what about the Timelock?” asked the Usurper suddenly interested.
“I have it on good word that in a two days this place will have the most amazing prison break the Da’uhnb have ever faced,” said Maximillan, “I even convinced a pair of the Djinni to hop a ride in my service.”
“So what do you need me for then?” asked the Usurper.
“Until recently I have been trapped on an alternate version of the planet Earth,” said Maximillian, “My reality was collapsed inward by the Creeping Darkness and his clown host. Your reality is the one I found myself in, due to some rather immoral temporal experiments I was running on a captured Da’uhnb. That’s how I got here. I need the inside scoop on all that exists on this timeline, and you can give me that knowledge.”
“Then I guess you don’t know the deal I worked out for me here,” said the Usurper, “I give my jailors the Warmonger demons I don’t like, and they let me keep the fleshbag they captured me in. If I transfer bodies they will eat me in a minute. No thanks. Nearly died final death that way once, would rather not do so again.”
The Old Vlad listened at his cell door, hearing every word in his nano-cybernetic ear. He decided then that he would send himself back a gift, maybe it might change things…for the better…
He quickly began transmitting into a memory drive, knowing if he could just piggyback its data with the escaping prisoners. He then focused on devising a plan to get the data home.