In Search of the Nomad


Ollurug was unsure of how to handle himself. He knew Derlur was in trouble, but he had no choice but to lead Olgog the Olgog to Brez. As they made their way out from Rehsed to Brez, Ollurug wondered what would happen once they arrived at their destination. Until then, Ollurug would be stoic, but not unfriendly.

“So… Whatcha lookin’ for?” He asked.

(Ooc- en route to Brez. Please enter this thread only if your character has reason to be)


Derlur. Like I said before, I need to speak with him.

OOC: Assuming small talk that is guarded by both parties until we hit Brez for this update


They arrived at the edge of the territory controlled by the Uf Magog and awaited permission to enter their lands.

Sandy streets of Brez, marked by a shantytown and ruined buildings in the process of being restored greeted them. While poverty was still extreme at least the olgogs appeared to be well fed and nourished.
It was surprising considering how Brez has been even a year before.

Some of the sandy ground hid concrete, other sections hid marble slabs, and a few were just pits of sands used by the Brezan Stalker riders to get around unnoticed.

[GANG OF UF MAGOG may now post to this mission.]


Teco hated getting patrol duty. The Ur Rhugs wanted to play all the time and the vandals were … Restless. However, they all knew the dangers out there, so when Teco made his will be known, the others cowered in fear. Urog may have been more lenient, but his elders were quick to remind everyone they were still Brezan.

Teco and the 10 patrolling saw the two travelers. They all stood at attention, ready to attack if need be. 4 scattered, no longer seen.

Teco spoke, “Name y’selfs an’ yer gang affiliation.”


“Greetings, kin. I am Ollurug, Clan of the Heavy Falling Rock of the Great Northern Army. I return to Brez. I have with me Olgog the Olgog, who wishes to accompany me while I await Derlur. May we pass?”

Ollurug wondered what would happen. He knew the Great Northern Army had no love of Olgog the Olgog.


Ollurugs a fool, OtO though.

“Listen Teco, There is several ways this meeting can go down. The easiest in my opinion is we pretend neither of us saw one another, and go on our merry way. The others, are a bit more messy”


Teco shrugged. He pulled out his comm crystal, “hey boss. Olgog the Olgog is here. … Yeah, he wants in. … He’s with a nomad. … Yes, he’s threatnin. … OK. Got it.”

He turns to Olgog the Olgog. “One problem. Yer haven’ finished yer trials yet. Til ya do, yer still a crim’nal. Ya need yer handlers to git in. Otherwise, there’s nothin’ doin.”

As he finished, a censor-craft makes it’s way overhead.


The conditions of those trials were that they were to be presented to me one every two weeks. It has been more than a year since that has started. I was to be set free at the end of the trials. I can’t help it the people responsible didn’t do anything with it.

At this point, I am my own handler.


Teco shrugged. “Then I need to hear it from ‘em. Shouldn’t be a problem if that’s the case. Tell them to give us a shout an’ we’ll let ya in. 'Til then, can’t do anything fer ya.”

(ooc - unless, of course, you want to ingratiate yourself and take part of this week’s Mag Der’al vs. Mag Daron mission)


OOC: OtO doesn’t know about Mag Deral/ Mag Daron. He would have to be informed about it


Ollurug shrugged. “Uhm… So… anyway we can ingratiate the big oaf into the fold without having to wait longer?” He asks helpfully.


Teco shrugged. “I dunno, if we were all o da sudden attacked by enemies, maybe you can make a case to stay until we hear word from tha council.”

(ooc - I’m going to assume fighting’s gonna erupt around us. I’d not know how to explain the Mag Daron, but I’d point them out with big zela axes and hand wrappings. Mag Der’al, I’d point out on a case by case basis. Also, there’d be EEF special forces around, which you’d recognize. if you want to post in the mission, the narrator’s discretion would come into play).


I’ll tell you this, You let us go collect the mail uninhibited, and any fight I see I’ll kill them all and let you sort it out later.


(ooc - presuming fighting is occurring at this time, or within this time, allow OtO to help)