Great Northern Army (for Gul'al)


The Goblin King Urog had withstood the onslaught of the Kolgol militia. In his moment of victory, he showed his gang members why he was their leader. All it took was one stern look and the young gog cracked. The Kolgul Militia just wants to free the Olgogs and free Refuge. You just have to believe me. They just force gogs to join now because after all those years of asking nice they never got the gogs they needed to really free us all. Urog got his answer, and earned respect, even among Vektor’s Op-u-lint gog. Urog, however, didn’t know if he respected the Kolgol or hated them even more. He would not be cowed, no matter the cause. He respected Yaog’s gumption and desire, but he had no place for the arrogance that came with it. His pride wouldn’t let him.

Besides, the words of Auf Yyanyi stuck with him, You understand why war is not the answer. The more people you conquer the more enemies you make. Conquering the Earthers will make other Earthers our enemies. And eventually there will be more Earthers as enemies than we have olgogs."

Between Vektor, Hikiti, and Tla’al, he was getting new information about Earthers and their ways. Yyayi was right, ignorance was their biggest enemy. And he didn’t want a total war until he learned more about the Earthers in Simonsburg. Besides, his dream wasn’t to destroy the Earthers, it was to see a united Brez not locked in eternal gang violence.

Which brought him here. He found himself once again outside of Gul’als war tent. Her army was growing in power, and she was a useful ally. He did not know her full motivations, but after the battles they have fought together, holding the mines of HobTor, and now in Simonsburg, it was time they made things formal. He knew that he would need her if he was going to be successful in resisting the Kolgol militia if they attacked again, and if the Earthers decided to launch an attack on Brez.

He stood outside her war tent and announced himself to her guards, “I am the Goblin King Urog. I am the leader of the Gang of the Ug Mag’og. I come in friendship after many battles fought together. I wish to speak to Warchief Gul’al.” Beside him stood Tusk, the young Karovan Mag’ol in training. Not quite as tall or as brutishly large as Urog, she was built stronger than the average Karovan. She paled in comparison to Urog’s stature, but her posture served her well. She seemed older than her years, despite not being of age among her people. The two of them waited for a response.


Lokyi strides of the tent with disappointment written across his face. Seeing the waiting envoy, he smiles and nods in greeting and clasps Urog on the shoulder, hoping to pass along strength and patience before going about his business.

Gul’al opens the tent flap, “Welcome, what do you wish to speak of?” She sends a guard to bring food and drink.


Urog enters the tent, appreciating the show of strength and solidarity. “I come to your tent because you are a worthy ally. The Kolgol Militia and the Earthers grow bolder, and us of Brez remain fractured. Our kind has to stop fighting each other. Most of Brez rolled over when the Kolgol Militia came through. We were the only two that fought. It would send a message to our kind if we banded together… to continue to fight the Earther incursions, to fight the Kolgol Militia. Your clan keeps getting larger, my gang continues to strengthen in Brez. If we band together, we may be able to attract others to our cause. And until such a time, we can make formalize our trades and make our lives easier. We already share the Hobtor mines… and Simonsburg.” Urog paused for emphasis, “so fate has already brought us together. Let us work out the final details between us, and make this official.”

Urog wondered if he said the right thing, but he knew enough of Gul’al that specific words were irrelevant… either she would agree in principle, or she would think he was crazy. So he waited, impassive, for her response.


Grinning, Gul’al replies, “Fate has been kind to us. So often in Brez, it is usually only a lack of conflicting interests that keep two groups at peace. Our ventures together have been fruitful. We grow in strength and numbers. I have seen how much more a large group of Ol’gogs, especially a mix of the different tribes and skills, can accomplish. Your tribe works well with mine. I have wanted our partnership to continue, for it to also grow and strengthen. Let us be the shining star that points the way for others to follow. I know I can trust you standing beside me in battle and have no fear of leaving my back open to you.” The open declaration of trust hung heavy in the air if looked at through traditional Brezan thinking but Gul’al look comfortable with her statement.


Urog nodded solemnly. If they were not Brezan, he would have smiled and warmly accepted their union. But trust was an issue among their kind and Urog would not take that lightly. “Aye, and mine to you. May we rise together, and let no others surprise us as well.”

Tusk looked at the proceedings. She was Karovan, and even she knew this was monumental. Urog looked at Tusk warmly, and focused back on Gul’al.

“So there are six major things to address: 1) Trade - I need bone and spoils of war, such as armor for my gang members. You need water, food, and stone for your clan members. We must determine even trades of each and we’ll exchange once a week. If a dire need arises, our underlings can handle it 2) We must agree on mutual protection - an attack on one is an attack on all 3) Other than minor skirmishes, any major offensive must be mutually agreed upon? 4) Lands conquered together will be held together, which includes Simonsburg and HobTor mines. 5) Trade with outsiders - pooling our trade resources so that we get what we need and want 6) Most importantly, a name for our union. I thought of The Great Northern Army of Brez, but I’m not sure it suits our purposes.”

Urog paused, to let it all sink in, and then finalized his thoughts, “We can start wherever you wish.”


“I fully agree that an attack on one is an attack on all. And defending all conquered territories together fits with that. As for held together… I’ll honor the promises that Lokyi made to Simonsburg but coddling the Earthers is not what I signed up for.” She rolls her eyes and sighs. “Any claim to occupied Earther settlements would be name only for me. In practice, I’d rather leave them to you. Fighting is what most of my tribe knows. I don’t want to learn to teach.”

Two tribe members quietly enter the tent, one with a large platter of food which gets set on the table and the other with drinking skins. He offers the skins around and ties any unclaimed skins to the tent post. They head back out to their guard positions but further from the tent for privacy sake.

Gul’al removes a map from under the platter and rolls it up while speaking. “We already seem to be making our major strikes together. Your tribe members always seem to be where I send people, often before us.” She grins at Urog, amused by the meet ups of the past. “Let’s shorten the name to The Great Northern Army. It’ll help my tribe members not born in Brez to be taken seriously. Onder has done well at fitting in but not all the others are listened to the same way. Along with the name of our union, I think we should consider our titles. I am called Mightiest but that doesn’t fit with us being partners. We should be called something else.”


Urog took in what Gul’al said. It was more insight into her thinking then he ever experienced. She was, indeed, a worthy ally. “Simonsburg is a matter of pride. Every time I talk with an Earther it leaves a taste in my mouth worse than rotten crulie. I want to prove it can be done.” Urog felt weary, for an instant, before continuing, “I will abide by your desires in future endeavors towards Earther settlements. I will say this final thing before moving on: there is value in learning about the Earthers… from them.”

Urog points to the map, “We have common interests, it seems, even if different motivations. You are still a chieftain, and I will still use the title of goblin king. The Mightiest Chieftain and Goblin King of the Great Northern Army. I am not opposed. My people will not respect you if you remove your title. They will think I have usurped you. It is the last thing I want…Brezans respect strength, so you will remain the Mightiest.”


“Fine, fine… as long as you’re sitting with me at the head of this crazy train. I know how to be chief to my Brezans. I’m learning about the ol’gogs who have joined up from other areas. Learning what is best for all ol’gogs and learning with Earthers?” It was Gul’al’s turn to look tired, “I’ve been settling things with my war hammer for so long, it feels like re-writing what it means to be chief. For our people, I’ll work on it.”

For a moment, her face softens as she thinks of the past. “When I gathered my tribe, I dreamt of more power and more territory. Already I see a glimmer of the light that leads elders to reminisce the good old days.”

Forcing a laugh, “Let’s leave these shadows and worries to time. Let’s look forward to joking about this day when we are old and relaxing by the coast, the Mightiest Chieftain and the Goblin King, legendary heros!” She raises a drinking skin as a toast. “King I can understand, why did you embrace the term goblin?”


Urog nodded as Gul’al spoke, and drank the toast with her. Gul’al ended her toast with a question, "“King I can understand, why did you embrace the term goblin?”

He responded, heavily, “I had a conversation with Mag Auf Yyanyi not too long ago, and learned many things. When given the opportunity, we should speak with him together. I think there is much we can continue to learn.” Urog sighed, “Our problem in Brez is that there was always only one way to be chief, but it’s meant that we live and die purely by strength alone. Our only connection to culture and history is our titles. Our survival spites the Earthers. They wish to insult us and call us Goblins. So we accepted that, made ourselves Kings in their fashion, and kill them on sight.”

Urog shrugged. “I have lived among the other Olgog tribes. There are better ways to live. One day, I’d like not to solve every problem with my axe, just like you don’t want to with your hammer. But change is slow. Until then, a Goblin King I remain. To remind ourselves of our history and to remind us that most other Olgogs consider us trash.” He re-raises his drinking skin, “To our union, The Great Northern Army, may others tremble before us, may we keep each other safe from the Earther and Olgog threats, and may we be strong enough to one day live another way.”