Goblin Lands Intermission 2 Bonus Special Diplomatic mission: The Karovian Conclave


Every Year the Karovian nomads meet up in the Oasis at the south end of the Ruins of Karov. The nomads consisted of the Mak’ab Hunters, the Gor’ab Flesh and Spirit Dwellers, there were the shamanic Uhryus, and the masses of Ur Mak tribals. Each came to the conclave for a different reason.

The Ur Mak hoped to be selected as Mak’ab by the Mag’Ol chieftains for new tribes. The Gor’ab to bury the skulls of the ancestral Karovian dead in the homeland. The Uhryus to discuss medicine, and share news of what each tribe has done over the year. Mag’ols came to see the best and brightest from across the tribes and together with the Uhryus they prepared new tribes for apprentice Mag’ols ready to take their first tribe out into the deserts of Ya Der’al.

Failed Mag’ols returned to the Conclave to tell the tales of their tribes end.

This year there were five failed Mag’ols who spoke to the assembled Uhryus, Gor’ab and Mak’ab.
The first two spoke of their tribe’s fall to the diseases of the Tor’lallur to the south. The Mag’ol who had taken a bone from each of his tribals to be resurrected was rewarded. He was given first choice of the young UrMaks and his entire tribe was brought back from the dead and the Nomads rejoiced.

The second whose tribe had been left as yadol food was publicly mocked for his foolishness. He was told to search the desert for the weak and create a new tribe to atone for the losses of his old tribe.

The third Mag’ol spoke loudly and long about his tribes death at the hands of Unit 7756. How he had fought hard and brought back the heads of all of his tribals whom the Dead had turned into monsters. He begged the Uhryus help but they could do nothing.
The heads were added to the ground known as the cursed stand, said to be where Nosferatu Buskt fell to the darkness. This Mag’ol was given last choice from the UrMaks.

The fourth Mag’ol had to limp in his leg and arm taken by bites. He spoke briefly, they were tending their heard when his tribe was under fire by giant energy cannons. The Ambush by the Yyan Giants had killed them too quickly for his Gor’abs to react. Everyone and their entire herd of Mak Hoblok had been eaten. He said his sentries stood before floating tentacle monsters that the Gor’ab called Neliff. They seemed unable to react. He asked only to die an honorable death for failing to keep his tribe safe. The Gor’abs used their swords to respectfully sever his head so it might join the Honored field of the ancients.

The last to speak moved before the assembled tribal council dragging a trussed up Uthvelor female with him. Behind him walked an uncomfortable looking Olgog.

Many recognized this last Mag’ol as Rapi’og. As of the last conclave he was a powerful leader of the GulTor’Uf. Many had heard of a power struggle within the GulTor’Uf and afterwards they heard that Bill of GulTor’Uf had fled their ancestral nomadic pathways and settled in the Ruins of Karov. There were also stories of the GulTor’Uf inviting the Living Dead into the holy lands of the Karovians.

Rapi’og cleared his throat and began to speak, “Honored assembled tribal leaders, I am Mag’ol Rapi’og. I was the proud chief of the GulTor’Uf until I was betrayed and overthrown by a grasping Uhryu, an Uhryu who calls himself Bill.
I gave my life to protect my tribe from the Der’al Collective. I lost many beloved tribals in that battle. When I was resurrected by a loyal friend I sought out my murderers to bring them to justice. I found this Uth, this outsider who Bill changed into his own Katheron slave. She was sent to kill me. Uhryu Bill has wiped her soul and replaced it with his own puppet and then sent it out to slay me his own Mag’ol.
Once he thought I was out of the picture Bill made deals with the Dead and brought them into these lands en mass so they would build him a fortress. He turned his tribe away from their nomadic ways and erected a Dome of Shadows that now stands oppressively in sight of this holy oasis.
I accuse Uhryu Bill of turning against the traditions of our people. I accuse him of inviting the Dead into the Karovian Lands and into the Ruins of Karov.”

An elder Uhryu named Bahtiwani interrupted, “Rapi’og, you know enough about our ways to know we will not turn this conclave into a trial. Why do you make these accusations? Do you seek civil war between the Karovians?”

Rapi’og bowed respectfully, “Civil war? That is not up to my judgment. If you feel the GulTor’Uf deserve punishment that is up to this esteemed conclave. I make these accusations so my request has a basis. My request is that I be given a new tribe the Og’GulTor and by rights reclaim the lands stolen by the Der’al Collective.”

Bahtiwani said, “Og’GulTor? Death by Swords is Strength? A decidedly angry name.”

Rapi’og smiled thinly and said, “Bill has taught me many lessons, the greatest is that War is Strength.”

Bahtiwani turned to the assembled Uhryu and the many guests.
“We would hear what our neighbors would say to this? Speak so we may know your minds.”


Mission Rules
All players may post up to three posts to this diplomatic mission. This takes place at the conclave.
No attacks can be made and no abilities may be used on characters that are not your own. All posts must clearly state whom is speaking.
This mission is open to all players.
Players who are not Karovians should use this opportunity to request trade deals and safe passage through the Karovian Lands.
It is recommended that Krodnok, and The Herald of Wintermute post to this thread to get their acceptance from the Karovian masses.
It is recommended that GulTor’uf post to this thread to get acceptance from the Karovian Masses from their settlement in the Ruins of Karov and for their turning away from the traditional Karov ways.

This mission ends on Friday January 23rd at 8pm


A living Kumfei wearing a purple and black uniform would come to the meeting once there he would bow deeply to those assembled. "Greetings, I am Ozruc, I am the Foreman in charge of the Wintermute workers who are aiding in the reconstruction of the Ruins of Karov. I understand that there are many reservations about the citizens of my country living amongst you here in the south. I am not here to say that your views on the Undead are not well founded. Sadly the majority of the Undead here on Refuge tend to follow their more baser instincts and let the rage of their death consume them. You see when someone is raised into undeath the emotions that they felt upon death tend to be the only ones they feel, rage, fear, confusions, sadness etc. You can plainly see that if someone is driven purely by those negative feelings they will always lash out in violence against most anyone they see. That is where Wintermute comes in, my people take in the Undead and expose them to positive emotions, an atmosphere of peace where they can let go of their hatred and confusion. It is a process I admit, and there isn’t a 100% success rate. However we have succeeded in rehabilitating many many undead and have shown them a different path.

I invite any and all who choose to visit the Domed City of Karov and see for yourselves, feel free to take as many guards as you like, however I would ask that you observe peacefully and not show hostility toward the undead who are working to create a brighter future for all. You will not only see workers, but perhaps people, different from you and I but people none the less. Many have regained their voice and minds, they create friendships, even new families. By helping others they have helped themselves and can set an example to not only other undead but in my opinion to the living as well. If a zombie can change, become a good person contributing to society, then surely any of us can as well.

The kindness that Uhryu Bill has shown my people gives us hope for the future, he took a chance in trusting my countrymen, where other Olgogs saw only monsters he saw kindred spirits trying to find their own way to the light of the future. This future is one that we all should strive for, a future of peace and cooperation. We have all made mistakes in the past, perhaps we spoke too harshly, perhaps we lashed out in anger. That doesn’t mean that we are beyond kindness and patience. Mag’ol Rapi’og has made mistakes like the rest of us, he has paid for them perhaps more then he deserved. I feel sorry for the pain that he has been through, the anger he feels brings me sorrow not only because he has tasted hardship, but because he believes that violence is the path he must follow. Like a newly raised undead he is filled with anger, pain, and confusion, it is our job, nay, our sacred duty to not encourage further pain and violence but to show him a better path. One of forgiveness and peace, if this can be accomplished by a Zombie, it can be accomplished by Mag’ol Rapi’og.

I look around me and I see a people filled with determination, tradition, and a desire to see all those around them better themselves. Are harsh measures sometimes needed? Of course, one cannot just roll over, however we need to know when these measures are needed and when a comforting hand is. I ask for your help, I ask that you find in your hearts a path to a better future. One inspired by knowledge and temperance, where one is not judged by their fur, skin, or if they have a pulse. I see wisdom, I see strength, and I see a people with the courage to move forward toward the goal of peace."

Foreman Ozruc would take a step back and wait to see if his impassioned words had any effect. He prayed that his message of peace would find kindred spirits in those around him.


A beautiful female Olgog dressed as an Uhryu spoke loudly and confidently, “While I cannot speak of the Undead of Wintermute, I can speak the truth that Uhryu Bill has always meant well. And meant to do that which is good and noble for our people.
All can debate his results but no one can debate Uhryu Bill’s desire to make life better for all Olgogs in Karov and beyond. I am Uhryu Alma and this is my statement.”

Bahtiwana nodded to her and said, “I hear the words of Ozruc and Alma. They speak with passion and of what they feel is true in their hearts.”

“Does anyone else wish to speak on behalf of the Shadow Dome? Or against it?”

Olgalab Mag Gor’ab rose up from where he sat and said loudly, “I have been gone so long and now I see all my folks are so ready to give up their traditions? I have met both good undead and evil. I am more disgusted that an Uhryu would give up the ancient nomadic ways that allowed our Karovian peoples to escape slaughter from so many enemies over the ages.”


Auf Lalyan says "I need to change the topic just for a second so I can warn your tribes of a major danger. Something, especially those in small roaming groups need to be aware of.

The Neliffs are like Quall N’drone in that they take a host an implant larva to grow new [COLOR=#417394]Neliff. One giant we killed had 4 of them in him. But that is where the similarities stop. Neliffs reproduce in Days and hours instead of years and decades. They are suppose to have full control of the host immediately, though I cannot verify that. Also, It doesn’t seem like their is any benefit to the host either due to the short period. [/COLOR]I’m told they are vulnerable to cold. And they like caves. But most recently, we’ve found them infesting some of the Yyan giants. We don’t know how deep that goes though.

Additionally these Neliffs are masters at illusion and the injection of the larva leaves no mark. And they are a hive mind.

Unit 817 maybe your best ally against them. As that tribes beliefs and abilities allows them to detect the Neliff larva.

As for the shadow dome, The reason we Olgogs have suffered so much is that we don’t adapt. We continued to try to fight tanks with sticks. We sticked to our small tribes instead of working together leaving us more vulnerable. We need to adapt. And we can adapt and keep our traditions and values while doing so. While my tribe has little to do with the Shadow domes dead or Bill’s tribe. There should be a place for those who wish to work together, even for those in Korav. Bill is better than Rapi’og. At least Bill’s first thought is diplomacy and tends to mean well.

As for Rapi’og, he is arrogant, untrustworthy, hot tempered, and trouble. He has started many conflicts and rushed to battle. He has called olgogs friends and then turn on them. I have no authority here, just advice. If you want more conflict and battle, let him have a new tribe. Otherwise, there are many better choices that haven’t lost or done so much.
(OOC of course my tribe who Rapi’og betrayed Lalder to the Djinni)


(Ooc: I do apoligize to any and all who have been trying to get things with Krodnok going, the Narrator in particular, but I’ve been fairly busy for the last few months with a new job.)

Sarhana listened as the others spoke. When Auf Lalyan finished, she stood herself. She understood why she was here. She was a living Olgog, and that might help her appeal more to these Karovians.

“My name is Sarhana, and I am here to petition on behalf of, and spread the word of, my God, Krodnok.”

She saw the doubt in the eyes of those gathered. She could feel how the mood of the room changed. But she continued.

"I wasn’t there, but my understanding is that Krodnok had travelled to this Shadow Dome to talk to the Uhryu Bill. While he was there, the two of them had a civilized conversation. Talked about the future of, not just Karov, but the whole of Der’al. They talked about how they could make things better for everyone. Krodnok seeks to rid the whole of existence of the Warmonger, and Bill seeks to make Der’al a place of peace. Things, apparently, continued this way until the interjection of the Wild Gor’abs, who seemed more interested in fighting than they were in talking.

“I am here because Krodnok was invited here by Uhryu Alma. But, he felt that a Dead Olgog would be subjected to prejudice from those gathered. Therefore, he sent me. Thank you for your time.” She bowed, then sat back down.


[b]Uhryu (Bill)[/B

**Bill was barely listening to the conversation that was going on, as the Mag’ol of his tribe was supposivly here. But something was off, he was leaner, had scars, and looked several years older than he should. It even looked like his hair was starting to grey, and the heavy fur on his back looked fully grown.

When it got quiet, Bill started to speak**

You’re not the real Rapi’og, at least you aren’t the Rapi’og of this world. Its like you aged 6 years in 6 weeks. You have new scars that are healed, but weren’t healed by leyas and you just look older. You’re the Rapi’og from the evil crystal dimension, aren’t you?

There is a pause. and Bill continues

The more I look at you, the more I am certain. You are the Rapi’og from the evil crystal. The real Rapi’og was making progress, he was starting to work with others not intent on killing and subjugating everyone else.

Brothers, Sisters, I would love to do nothing more than to wander the sands, but alas there are to many problems to deal with alone. To the north we have the UTR, whose leaders are so obsessed with power that they made deals to get cursed items with the djinni, and whose members created a new ancient evil. One of their members came down and now says we die because we refuse to adapt. And by adapt, it seems he means become more like the earthers.

This is not the only problem, vampyres by decree of the Der’al collective and UTR are allowed to poison anyone they see fit. Gultor’uf tried to stop this, but we failed. We fought the Der’al collective and they recieved help from the Balgogs of the UTR, with demonic spirits inside of them. The other gogs tried to banish them, tried to defeat the demonic entities but to no avail. There were too many for us to fight, and now others are suffering.

His voice rising

I have seen 12 gogs cover a city with Ice, killing the oners inside. I have seen spears destroy the earthers metal tanks and airships, by just connecting with the metal. Its not because we refuse to adapt that we die, it is because our virtues lead to our downfall. In Karov, our greatest strengths are our self reliance and our compassion for others. We get together once a year to help each other and that is no longer good enough. We need a way to be able to call upon each other when needed, and the only way to do that is to be able to communicate with each other. To call upon one another when we need help. It becomes hard to do that without having a place to go when we need help.

I have thought long and hard about this problem, how can we stay true to ourselves and solve the issue of letting others know when we need help. And the best answer I can come up with is to rebuild the city of karov, to make it a place that every karovian can enter, that we can take shelter if needed, and to be able to send a gog to call upon others to help from that location.

If we have this central location, we can come for help quickly and get it. This is why I am rebuilding Karov city.

I’m sure some of you gogs noticed, but we have a lot more gogs that came here from other areas because of the new “Adaptive” way the other gogs are treating each other. Most come from towns, and do not wander. New Karov would be a good place for them to be brought so that they can live there, without impacting the tribes that wander.

I also wish to be clear, I wish to wander the sands again as do the rest of my tribe. We just need to finish building the city, and replace the dome with one that the sun can shine through, then we [Gultor’uf] can wander again.

One last thing, the EEF erroneously believes that I speak for all Karovian tribes not part of the UTR and wants us to join them as a provisional colony. I find the EEF self serving only wanting to secure their own position and ideals, so I will suggest we decline this offer.

With that, Uhryu Bill sits down and continues watching the evil crystal Rapi’og

Adept finished building the Thunder Giant’s town and has returned with the two Uhryu Apprentices

I can get Giants to remove the Dome, we would just need to give them safe passage to and from Karov. I can vouge for them, I have built them their town on top of a mountain inside the southern lands. These two were with me so they can also speak of these giants.

I would just request that some gogs skilled with earth help rebuild the walls.


Auf Lalyan sighed, always the same accusations with no understanding or thought behind them.

Auf Lalyan says "Sorry for our monstrous ways of going from barely feeding a few tribes to feeding Millions of Olgogs. Lalder’s direction is so evil. Giving away knowledge of how to grow food to other Olgog tribes and even the earthers. Some days I can’t believe Lalder works peacefully with so many earthers and even teaching them how to grow their own food so they do not suffer or decide they need to attack others for their food. One day we will have to put a stop to this Feeding of others beyond your own tribe. I just wish I could go back to when the oners were able to slaughter us at their whim because we refused to work with other Earthers.

Sorry, that tone must have rubbed off from dealing with so many other races or listening to you Bill, on how to tell others what my tribe does. And before you think I was serious about that, you are wrong. That is what they call Sarasim. I’ll explain it later if you don’t understand.

While Lalder or any in the UtR are perfect, much good has been brought. Olgogs are feeding themselves in the UtR. Millions of them. Freely choosing to work and trive. No Oner massacres. Much less Olgog attacking Olgog over basics of life. Food, Water, and Shelter.

Olgogs right now have a chance to stand on Equal footing with any other colony, which includes the Oners. If we Olgogs as each of our nations joined with the EEF and the other colonies, there is protection. If the Oners try another one of their invasions, the EEF will step in to assist. Of course that does go both ways, we could not invade the Oners as well. But that is not in our plan, so I don’t see that we are giving up anything. Each Colony is self ruled, which means you don’t have to act like a Earther to gain the advantage.

When I mentioned adapting, this is part of what I mean. We have to be a part of the world. If we do not participate, we will lose in the end.

Bill, if you wish to move towards peace, you have to try as well instead of just preaching the evils of others, but also see the benefits. And stop picking only the few event that make your narrative. Yes the Der’al Collective group is allowed to give out minor colds, but they cure any major disease as a result. Death from Disease is down dramatically in the UtR since that arrangement was made. This is what I mean.

And as for Rapi’og, I found no honor or desire for peace from him whether this is the good or evil one. Rapi’og has brought conflict and will bring it again if given the opportunity.

And I dont’ want my warning of the Neliff’s to be missed. They are the biggest threat. If you take nothing from anything I say except that warning. That will have to do. But Pay attention to that warning."


Uhryu (Bill)

This argument I have heard many times, and it can be summed up as A little good outweights any evil.

According to this premise, We should allow Krodnok access, even though one of his lackeys is possessed by a general of warmonger. One where he spirited her away “fixing” the problem of us trying to defeat her.

According to this premise, because the vampyres of TorLalLur help the UTR, we should allow them to sicken us , because after all they do good elsewhere.

I have heard the same from Auf Lalder before when he was building his giant ship, a ship designed for war. His response was that it could heal gogs, that it had medical capabilities too. But the only uses I have seen of it were in war, when Torlallur sickened Karov its medical facilities never made an appearance.

The conversations we have bother me, it reminds me of speaking to an earther more and more each time I speak to him. Excuses, being talked down to, and implying that we are week. almost shouting But 12 gogs covered a city as large as The city of Karov in 3 inches of ice when we were trying to distract the enemy. 12 GOG DID THIS, BUT SOMEHOW WE ARE WEAK? No, we are among the strongest among any of the races here. Our only downfall is that we are so used to standing alone, that we don’t know where to get help when we need it. This is what the city of Karov is for, to help us help each other.

Whether its food, shelter , medical help or the might of other new Karov city will help us help each other. And the best part is because we help each other so much, we have gogs from Brez, Unen, and Ta’loc’ol all moving in because we have the reputation to help, to be kind to one another. Those of us who wish to wander will be able to, those who wish to stay can.

Now to the problems we face currently, we have the undead of unit 7756, the Yyan giants, the Torlallur, and this “Evil Crystal” Rapi’og.

We should pool our strength and defeat these issues one by one. I would vote in order, that we deal with Rapi’og djinni clone, The undead of 7756, Then Torlalur and the giants.


Foreman Ozruc listened to the various olgogs arguing with each other, these Olgogs really seemed to have some deep divisions, “My good people, this isn’t the place to point fingers, pointing fingers and blaming won’t solve anything. We need to figure out ways to work together. We all have our differences but who doesn’t? No species is entirely united and that can be a strength. We each have different views and skills, we all can contribute. Olgogs have shown strength, no one denies that, I think the only concern is where that strength should be channeled. Uhryu Bill has mentioned that 12 Olgogs managed to cover a city in ice, I have to wonder, this is a desert, a desert of millions of Olgogs. Can’t you use this gift to create lakes, or rivers? Ways to change this barren environment into something more lush, to give your children a home that won’t require them to scratch and claw their way to survival?”


Sarhana smiled slightly at the mention of Krodnok. But the accusation of evil-doing…

"Krodnok took Hob’na, and they now seek the assisstance of the Unit 817’s Torlok’ab. He left immediately, because he made a snap-decision to not kill you, as he feels you’re still on the right path. For now at least.

"Hob’na is special, in so much as how she specifically was created, and it is believed that she was created the same way that the Dead of Unit 4745. If we an discover what process she went through, we may find new weaknesses for defeating them.

“Lilith must be safely exorcised. Her existence, on it’s own, is not a positive thing.”

She inhaled. “Now, if the two of you would grow up, and stop fighting amongst yourselves…”

Sarhana turned to the assembled elders. "I’ll apologize for them. However, to the matter at hand…

“From what I have heard of Rapi’og, a new tribe could be given, but he would need strict watch by yourselves, to ensure whah happened the first time, doesn’t happen again. If that isn’t feasable, leave him as he is. Also, Krodnok asked me to, on his behalf, support the dome in Karov.”