Goblin Lands 2 Peacekeeper Mission WEEK 17: Rumblings of the Mag Der'al


A hand written response was delivered to the messenger. Two copies were included, one in earther and the other in high falosini.

This notice is to let you know of our response to your missive. We believe that we can work with you to solve this problem. As terrorism is against the peace of falos and counter productive to the welfare of those under our protection, we feel that we must take steps to solve this problem. But as the forces of the Earth Expeditionary Forces have been involved in attacks, apparently unsanctioned, we can not give you free reign to proceed without supervision and oversight in the areas under our protection. As such is the case, our proposal is as follows:
1. Any forces you deploy in or around the Freetown of Drewsport will be accompanied by an observer to verify that they are follow rules and procedures.
2. Any native or citizen of the aforementioned region will be delivered to be tried in Drewsport by its citizens. Anyone found to have committed criminal activities will be either dealt with locally or remanded to your custody based on the decision of the local court.
3. In a Concurrent agreement, We request that in the future, if we need to track down criminals escaping to the EArther colonies from the region, that you will provide similar escorts and oversight.

Prepared for the forces of the redeemer by:
Lord L’gani
Steward of the Redeemder
Clerk of Northern Drewsport"