Eli McGraw want to hire Blackheart Security for a job


Eli need some help with a little trap he wanted to set up for Descended of Pelos boys waiting in McGraw Harbor. He had a plan… sort of. Impressed by the idea of Neiff Jammers (and hopeful they worked or this is going to be a short non-meeting), he calls on the services of Blackheart Security.


An olgog sales representative responded to his call, “Salutations of the hour Mr McGraw, I am contacting you to find out more about your needs so Blackheart Security can assist you with best solution.”


But Eli wasn’t there. Buffy on the other hand…

“This is his wife, Buffy. Yeah, Eli didn’t come back yet so I don’t know like what he you to do. I on the other hand have something of interest you could help me with,” Buffy offered.

“The location as followed: http://dr-forum.whitestarhosting.net/showthread.php?1921-A-Political-War-against-the-concerning-Candidate-Yildor-Roren-(DR2220-Week-5-). Wear something casual and black.”