Bill is looking for Yyan Kol


Uhryu (Bill)

Bill started looking for Yyan Kol.

When he finds him he states

“Greetings Yyan Kol, I hope the seasons find you well. I was in need of some things, food and wood and was wondering if you could help me with these?”


Yyan Kol smiled as he saw the Uhryu.

“Greetings Bill. You look well. I may be able to help you with the things you need. What can you offer my tribe in return?”


Uhryu (Bill)

Well, I am uniformed as to what your tribe would need. What are some of the things you need for your peoples?


Yyan Kol thought for a bit then said “What we truly need are trustworthy allies. Gogs who are willing to stand by their beliefs. Are your people like this??”


Uhryu (Bill)

That I can do, The gogs in my tribe and lived, fought and died for out beliefs.

with his body slighlty drooping

Several of my friends were final deathed because we believe that vampyres shouldn’t be allowed to poison everyone, after they created an epidemic in our lands.