Ambush: Uf'na Gets his Revengeance on Totem Uhryu and Tribe of Og Orol


Uf’na the Patient waited with four juveniles, as five horned dog cultists dressed as Kolgul Militia prepared for an obvious attack.

Five additional Pit Mongrels would be waiting to assault the area where The Tribe of Totem Uhryu and the Tribe of Og Orol kept their pelts.

The ambush would be staged so the juveniles attack while hidden using fire spirits.
The Kolgul Militia Horned Dogs would use their springshots to be am obvious attack.

Any enemy killed would have a finger cut off and rest of the body burned. Anyone captured in this way would be converted back to life back at base.

The time for parlay had passed. The karovians would learn it was deadly to ignore the diplomatic efforts of the Ka Gor’na tribe.

No other tribes would be targeted except Og Orol and Totem Uhryu.


This is planned to look like a Kolgul Militia attack


On’Or Rapi had seen his share of Olgog inter fighting. He had seen so much of it that when he became head of his tribe, he decided that he would limit the contact his people would have with outsiders (something that he knew would be very hard on his people).

He saw these invaders come before, each time they were fought off. This time would be no different. Hidden around the incampment were hidden traps, artiiced with Grow spear, grow vines and obscure. The tribe members new were they were and they were changed dayley. Any poor fool who triggered the trap would be insnared by the vines distracting them as a woden spear impaled them to death.

On’Or was no fool though, booby traps only go so far. 5 Tribe members would meet the attackers, they were adept at earth leyas and would make use of this along with stone and wood weapons.

Still, this was not the end of his plan, for what few knew was that his tribe were schooled in the ways of the Totem Animal. The elders and one of the tiribesolgogs (he hoped all of his tribe would one day learn the gifts there planet could give) would use there special gift to defend there tribe. One of The five tribesolgogs meeting the enemy was one of these few. He would Contact the Totem of the Ragha, he would pass the ability on to the other four with the Ritual Paints. There, the five would alternate between weapons and Paw strikes.

While deffence and Olgog power were important, so was intel. For this, 4 Ur Maks (all volantering) would be given Ritual paints of the Ontor, they would keep an eye out for any other movements that the tribe did not see from high in the air. They would communicate this back to the tribe with arial movements that the tribe had developed. From there, any additional threat would be met by other Tribesolgogs with wooden spears and hurled stones.

That last thing to prepare was a trick he learned from Earthers, he would take a finger from each Olgog, if one would fall, they would be reserected, give another finger, and continue the attack.

He just wanted his people to be left alone and live in peace. After today, his belief of noninvolvement would have to


This challenge has been accepted it will appear as an official mission
WEEK 6 : Peacekeeper mission, The Pillaging of Karov