Agent Candy Biography


Candice Kand was born in Kelvara in the year 2195 and is an earther. Candice stands at 5’4 with black hair and brown eyes. She has a light complexion and is considered to be quite beautiful. Candice’s parents were law enforcers for the colonial government but were killed when Candice was ten years old. To survive Candice did jobs running errands for whomever would reward her with a little food or money. Once she was old enough she followed in her parents footsteps and became local law enforcer working for the Kelvaran government. However she was determined not to meet the same fate as her parents. She tried very hard to clean up the streets of her home colony but soon realized that the corruption and the system were never going to let her do what she needed to do. So she began to turn to darker paths, she would get her confessions, no matter what. It didn’t take long for her to turn to darker paths, she loved it when she managed to “convince” a suspect to confess his crimes, she lived for it. She would hunt down local punks and while no one was watching torture them into confessing. She saw the visible impact of their removal and how much better things were getting. She also took it as a matter of pride that she had been targeted by criminals who regularly sent thugs to kill her. This was fine in her eyes because she could just kill them without even bothering to arrest them, of course they had to die slowly, that was the best part. Showing them the error of their ways, making them regret turning to a life of crime. After all, if they didn’t understand how wrong they were how could their deaths have any meaning? She loved their pain and it made her into a far more effective officer. She could apprehend those criminals more efficiently by using the very darkness that they hid in into her power. She adopted the name Candy because the ironic nature of being called something so sweet clashed so much with how she operated. She also wanted to prevent harm from coming to the only family member she still had, her brother who might be targeted by the criminals she was going after.

One day she was ordered to assist some colonial investigators about the mission governor Aaron Din, during the course of the investigation and rescue of Aaron Did she got to know the individuals who would become the heads of the reformed VLAD organization. Afterwards she would frequently assist them in their work. During the course of her relationship with VLAD, Agent Candy became close with one of the leading members Te Te while forming an intense hatred for the other two leaders. As Te Te was one of the very few who has constantly stood up for her he has earned her respect though she constantly wishes he would bathe more :wink: .
Agent Candy frequently goes on personal side missions for her own beatification and doesn’t actually think much about VLAD’s interests. She has become an intense narcissist displaying an arrogant air about her. She is believed to have started a cult based upon worshiping herself and has a temple set up on the boarder of the Nightmare Moors. Despite this she regularly travels for unknown reasons, she is just as likely to ignore VLAD as she is to help them. She is a bit wary of non humans as she hasn’t been exposed to large amounts of them. She has a dislike of Uthvelor and Pelebor and views them as untrustworthy, she also has a low opinion of Vlahadassi but tends to ignore them rather then actively look down upon them.
She view Olgogs as thugs but has been impressed with a select few, so she is willing to respect those who she sees as worthy of it. She does like to hire them as muscle however.